Hero Inside Wiki
Hero Inside Wiki

Readers are people capable of summoning and controlling the Hero Books superheroes using their imagination.




The most notable ability possessed by Readers are their powerful imaginations, which allows them to both summon the Hero Book superheroes into the real world and control them.


Despite the Readers powerful imagination, they are still normal humans, and are vulnerable to being hurt or even killed if they are not careful. In addition, if a Reader uses too much of their imagination (ex. using their Heroes Comicalize powers), it will leave them physically and mentally exhausted to the point they will pass out.

Known Readers[]

Revealed in Season 1:

Revealed in Season 2:


  • It is revealed in Battle On The Bridge that only Readers with certain amounts of imagination can wield certain Hero Books. For example, Cynthia and Scott Weller are the only known Readers capable of summoning Super Scott, while a Reader like Skullcrusher wasn’t capable of doing so.
  • According to the X page of a producer/story artist of Hero Inside, @HeroOutsider:
    • In order to properly use a Hero Book, the Reader must 1). Be touching the Hero Book, 2). Call out the Hero’s name, and 3). To summon the hero back into the book, they must touch the book and shout “(Hero’s name), RETURN!” (“Hero Inside” Producer’s Leak #001)
    • If a Reader takes another Reader’s Hero Book while the Hero is still summoned, the Reader can still control their Hero. However, if the other Reader tells the Hero to “Return”, the Hero will become theirs.(“Hero Inside” Producer’s Leak #002)
    • Only people with great imagination can summon and control heroes from Hero Books. Once summoned, the Reader and Hero are psychically linked.(“Hero Inside” Producer’s Leak #004)
    • Reader’s can only control a Hero if their voice can reach them.(“Hero Inside” Producer’s Leak #006)