Hero Inside Wiki




Dirko is, to put it simply, a very abrasive manchild, treating most people around him with distain, including his own mother, and is prone to throwing tantrums when he doesn’t get his way (as shown when his “Glass Jaw Gary” action figure broke). He’s also shown to be rather narcissistic, complaining about how his mother kicked him out of her house (after he yelled at her and caused her basement to be flooded) after “all the years he let her take care of [him.]”

He is perfectly willing to cross moral lines to get what he wants, such as when he made Black Knight break into someone’s house to steal the person’s Hero Book or holding Nick hostage to get Mike to come to him with his Hero Book, initially to try and recruit him to his Council of Comics and then to try to take his Hero Book by force when he refused. He blatantly misuses his Hero Book Heroes and forces them to do his dirty work for him, even if innocent people get hurt along the way.

Dirko claims to do this because people like him and his Council of Comics (nerds, dorks, etc.) are constantly mistreated and bullied, but as Mike rightly points out, this just makes him even worst than his tormentors, making Dirko a hypocrite. He is also shown to be a sore loser, deciding to use both Mag B and Sparkules to create a makeshift bomb to destroy the city of San Francisco after Super Awesome Man and X defeated him and vowed to always stop him merely to spite them.

Despite his many negative traits, he is capable of showing some form of respect, but only to those who share his ideals, such as his Council of Comics, and he was devastated after they were defeated by Super Awesome Man and X. Regardless of this, Dirko is the perfect example of why some people should never be given such power (Hero Books), as he chose to abuse it every chance he got.

Physical Appearance[]

Hero Books[]



Season 1:

Season 2:


  • The Council of Comics - Dirko was the leader of the group The Council of Comics, together with Hot Button 81, Skullcrusher, and King Blockbuster. The council created a revenge called “Nerd Utopia a.k.a. NerdTopia”. The council under Dirko was defeated by Mike’s Group following Villains vs Heroes, meaning Dirko no longer part of the Council, and Skullcrusher takes over as the leader of the Council.
  • Bobby - His roommate and Partner-in-Crime. Dirko began living with Bobby sometime after Villains vs Heroes, with Bobby helping Dirko boost his imagination to further heights using Professor Z and appears to be helping Dirko plan his revenge on behalf of the Secret Organization Bobby works for. The two get along quote well in day-to-day life and are quite chummy and supportive of each other.



  • His favorite food appears to be potato chips.
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