So far we know that Scott made 7 heroes based on him and his 6 friends called the Dizzy 7 and so far only Super Scott and Great Finger are the only know members but whose to say any of the other heroes are part of the Dizzy 7 let’s see make so guess.
We know Chameli isn’t one of them as Super Scott already look at his book which I believe also eliminates Jelly King, Leora, Firehead, Carrie and possibly Bit Dave since he didn’t mention they were part of the Dizzy 7.
This also eliminates Locust Man, Sugar Sugar Pang Pang, Ginseng Man, Toxo and Magi B because I pretty sure Super Scott wouldn’t give those to Dirk O if their part of Dizzy 7.
I think that might also eliminate Sparkules as well as Super Scott would have probably would taken him from Dirk O after he gave him some the heroes I already mentioned.
25 Cent, Kayoh, Hairy Harry and Kung Fu 7 I’m not sure are part of Dizzy 7 but who knows maybe they are since .
Professor Z could be one of the Dizzy 7 since they mention his backstory but not his real name also I don’t think Mist is a Dizzy 7 hero unless one of Scott’s friends was into horror.
Looking at Lucy’s other heroes I think Lucky is only one out but it is possible that Gravity and Hummingbird Man could be part of Dizzy 7.
And finally most of Mike’s heroes I think Disco Duo is out because Dizzy 7 is 1 individual per comic so they’re out, Mr. Justice is probably out as since Super Scott says that he made more heroes while he was trapped but I could wrong, Mummy Girl and Sylph are probably out as well leaving only Black Knight and Crying Man which is possible for latter since we saw a picture of Crying Man before be became a superhero but not real his real name so it’s possible he is a Dizzy 7 hero as for Black Knight we did see pictures of him in his comic but nothing about his true identity so it’s possible.
Honesty who do think is part of the Dizzy 7?